


Passive Solar

Welcome to MyChokes

 Okay, Change 92.  We're done with MyChokes;

Sorry for any inconvenience, but I just am burned out, and plain gettin' too old and too busy with the rest of life to keep this going.

So, for the time being, these are what will remain for a while:

ZellTree genealogy at http://zelltree.net

The remnants of SolarSense Designs, at http://zelltree.net/solarsense/

And, ? best for last ?

The website that's getting most all my attention these days:


and the blogger that goes with it at http://morality101.net/blog/

where we are blogging about the ongoing economic collapse of our USA, why it's happening, and

what we need to do in the days ahead to survive,

and hopefully something about how to do it right after the Dark Ages.

updated 17 June 2008

I 'would' appreciate mention and a back-link!  Thanks, RonKZ